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I can help you...

  • Identify your purpose

  • Align with your purpose

  • Get clarity on your current path and set clear intentions for your future

  • Navigate conflict and life's obstacles

  • Develop emotional management skills

  • Identify your personal requirements for emotional fulfillment and build a mental structure to support it

  • Activate your Mental Energy Body to improve the way you think, perceive, discern, and ask questions

  • Resolve indecisiveness and feel secure when taking action

  • Express your personal power & authority

  • Build self knowledge & acceptance

  • Strengthen self trust and self preservation skills

  • Bring unconscious blockages to your awareness

  • Release fear of being independent or taking responsibility for your own life

  • Remain focused & grounded as you pursue your passions​

  • Increase and use your primal and creative energy

  • Protect your female sexual energy

  • Understand and learn the purpose of past experiences

  • Navigate personal initiations, transformation, breakups, and letting go

  • Balance your nervous system

  • Clear negative thoughts and cognitive dissonance

  • Balance your energetic bodies

  • Resolve relationship confusion

  • Learn to identify abusive people and relationship dynamics

  • Heal codependency & people pleasing

  • Identify the mindsets that have kept you in unhealthy or codependent relationships

  • Create boundaries

  • ​Conduct cord cutting rituals

  • Overcome bad habits and stagnancy

  • Deconstruct internalized religious, patriarchal, and societal beliefs that keep you from feeling safe to be authentic and pursue your purpose & pleasure

Every coaching appointment includes Energy Healing

About Anchor

About Soul's Keys and its owner, Tiffani


Our Soul, which is our navigational consciousness, is the driving force for us to pursue our purpose and live a masterful and emotionally fulfilling life. Unfortunately, much of the conditioning women adopt through culture, early childhood, relationships, religion and spirituality counters our Soul's assignment and fractures both our sense of self and our grip on reality. One of the most harmful conditionings these all have in common is self-doubt. Self-doubt takes us out of our natural primal state of awareness, abundance, and healthy self preservation and compels us into a state of mystification, insecurity, deprivation, and dependency. We begin to forget our immediate access to pure consciousness, neglect our connection to the earth, give away our freedom, and resist our inner guidance. We begin seeking permission where we have authority and asking questions like, "Am I wrong for feeling like this?" Your Soul would never guide you to suppress your emotions, tame your wild creative nature, seek fulfillment outside of yourself, habitually abandon your needs to please others, act a certain way to remain in someone's good favor, to nurture men who envy women, nor to choose instant gratification over committing to what truly satiates and provides you nourishment. It is self destructive to believe that you are somehow doing the right thing by deprioritizing your own physical and emotional needs. My methods center accessing your inner guidance, understanding your energy bodies, emotional management, self knowledge, autonomy, security, and purpose. We need these to be strong and balanced for our Souls to powerfully navigate every aspect of life and its challenges. My coaching will strengthen your cognition and help you establish personal authority, self trust, commitment to your intentions, authenticity, and self devotion. Your authenticity and conscious commitment to your purpose doesn't only benefit you. We each play a necessary role in the health of the whole. Being devoted to ourselves makes us confident, genuine, more effective, and proud of what we contribute to the world. Being self invested is to become invested in Life itself. 



About Me


Energy Body Healer


Cognition Development Coach

Usui Reiki Master

Gatekeeping Astrologer


My craft and services are tailored to Women. I am devoted to the integrity and intention of my work. I have been initiated through everything I teach and I treat all of the gifts and wisdom I've earned with honor. I  channel information and use divination tools but I am not a dispenser of psychic ear candy. I assume that the women who invest in themselves through me are ready to savor the ever unfolding deliciousness of Truth. I understand that the nature of my craft can have major impacts on people and the choices they make, so I deeply respect the Soul that enters my sanctum and the vulnerability it takes to seek assistance. People have their varying methods. However mine, though potent, are still curious and unmistakably benevolent. I experienced the opposite of benevolence with a psychic once, so it's important to me to authentically hold space without being injurious. Years ago, a card reader I found on YouTube told me something along the lines of, "You're no Spiritualist! If you were, you would have charms, beads and things hanging around your home." My house was actually FULL of crystals, herbs, and curio, with cascarilla, holy waters, and salts smeared and lined across doorways, walls and corners. She went on to assert after pulling a card that she didn't like nor expect, "This card says you're an Earth Angel but there's no way you're spiritual. Spirit must be desperate." Firstly, I was shocked at how intentionally mean she was to me and how much she seemed to enjoy it. I immediately regretted how vulnerable I was with her and of course I knew how devout I was in my spiritual walk. It was my LIFE. What caused all this? I'd asked her why I wasn't reaping the material harvest I thought my physical and spiritual commitments were sowing. Her beliefs and conditioning led her to be wildly offended by my question and defensively project her values onto me instead of allowing her cards and pure cognition to speak. That experience taught me a few needed lessons, but it also gave me an even greater reverence for the stewardship of Souls. She was right about one thing though. I've learned since then, albeit harshly and with much resistance, that the terms "Spirituality" and "Spiritual" are programs of limitation. They are half stories that make for half being. The meaning of SPIRITUAL is of or related to the spirit, spirits, the soul, or sacred things as distinguished from physical nature or matter. I am not spiritual. No part of me is distinct from nor operates separately from the physical realm. If I were to subscribe to a religious label, I would call myself a Pantheistic Animist. I am primal, my essence is primordial, and the omniscient consciousness that is oft attributed to an external authoritative being is housed within me. Here we are, together, walking the earth as one. Earth Angel. Heaven on Earth. Harmony. All is One expressed in infinite ways. There is no division. I do not believe in any distinct higher forces, nor do I follow teachings of coping, hoping, and escapism over personal responsibility. I've walked religious paths to the deepest levels of discipleship and I've climbed spiritual ladders to great heights of prolonged ecstasy and revelation, and they've all led directly back to Me. There is nothing greater and there is no escape from Self.  We don't need permission, charms, nor beads and things to wield the power we were born with and exercise authority as we create our purpose and pleasure. This is why it's so important to strengthen your mind, know who You are, and develop self preservation skills so you can boldly navigate the world of projections and not be shamed nor demoralized in the face of opposition. I can teach you how. 

Women from all religious, spiritual and nonspiritual backgrounds are welcomed. My standards for my life are my own but my Keys are universal.

- Tiffani

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