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Are You Ready to...

  • Learn the state of your Soul and Emotional Body

  • Cultivate a consistent sense of self and become the protagonist of your world

  • Feel alive, deeply connected to yourself and invested in your life

  • Clear confusion about your purpose and set clear intentions for yourself

  • Become courageous by improving your discernment and conviction

  • Stop allowing your life dictated by ego and conventional expectations

  • Reverse indecisiveness and feel secure when taking action

  • Embody personal power, authority, joy, and confidence

  • Learn self preservation skills and get your primal needs met

  • Release fear of taking responsibility for your own life and making mistakes

  • Use your primal and creative energy to live unapologetically

  • Navigate personal initiations, transformation, and letting go

  • Stabilize your nervous system

  • Balance your energetic bodies

  • Develop emotional management skills

  • Purge trapped emotions from your body to improve your health

  • Bring unconscious blockages to your awareness

  • Resolve relationship confusion

  • Relate to people without compromising your emotional health and practical wellbeing

  • Heal codependency

  • Learn the purpose of past experiences​

  • Deconstruct belief systems that keep you from feeling safe to express authority over your life, be authentic and pursue real pleasure & joy

  • Remain grounded as you walk Your truth

About Anchor

About Soul's Keys and its owner, Tiffani


Our Soul, which is our navigational consciousness, is the driving force for us to pursue our purpose and live a masterful and emotionally fulfilling life. â€‹The Soul is not an infallible version of you disconnected from the mundane demands of living. The Soul is the fullest version of You in this lifetime. We are all Souls but somewhere along the line, often in childhood, we can be depleted of trust, lose our sense of self and experience Soul Loss. Soul loss is devastating to the Body and Nervous System as you become fractured and bombarded with sabotaging emotions. Soul Loss is the voluntary blockage or restriction of Right Brain functions and the impairment of Memory, Emotion, and Perception as a result of trauma. Overwhelming or traumatic life events can convince Right Brain functions to abandon ship. The abandonment causes the Left Brain to become “hostile” towards the Right Brain. This conflict threatens disorder of the entire body, leaving the Nervous System no choice but to sacrifice the abandoned Right Brain functions to keep a semblance of order. This neural restriction is like an illusory veil, deeply weakening the perception, memory, and emotional functions of the Brain, causing health problems, and weakening one’s sense of self - Soul Loss. Alzheimer’s is the most extreme demonstration of this process. Instead of choosing the victim narrative of hopelessness once we discover Soul Loss, we can choose to woo our Nervous Systems and Bodies into trusting us with our whole selves again. This happens through awareness, which is achievable through intentional and systematic cognition development. This is what I do.


People in general have normalized insecurity, self abandonment, self deception, sacrifice, emotional suffering, excessive dependency, and lack of fulfillment. This translates to the world’s rampant infestation of Ego posing as Self, Soul and Truth. Ego is a parasite that feeds on the defensiveness, scarcity thinking, and distrust people experience during Soul Loss. It can control your decisions and create narratives and negative emotions that justify your need for it. I combat Ego through the pruning of victim consciousness and idealism, the remembrance of purpose and the establishment of self trust so people may live their lives wholly and independently Human. ​I mediate the reunion of Soul, Brain and Nervous System by identifying the static that prevents secure connection to the Body. The keys to a pure connection are clear intention, alignment, confidence, purpose, self preservation, conviction, a symbiotic relationship within self, courage, joy, personal authority, emotional health, and freedom from delusion & illusion. Meditating on the information I’ve provided here is more than enough to point you in the right direction home. Schedule an appointment with me if you would like assistance. I will tell you the steps to mastering the Keys as they come up during our sessions and you will learn to unlock your inner Shaman and retrieve your Soul. I call this Cognition Development Coaching. Your sessions with me will look like guided conversation, teachings, tarot & oracle card pulling, emotional expression and primal activation. In person visits are offered at my discretion.

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